Idle Hands: New Book

Mostly, I throw myself full force into my endeavors.

My first book took me two and a half years to finish.

This one I completed in nine months.

Nine months, really?

Is it a short book? No, kinda standard, 268 pages, not large margins, and not large print.

Was it easy to write, thus not taking much time? No, it was hard as hell actually.

Did someone else write it for me? Nope, not a single word.

Why so fast, did I not have anything else to do? No, factually I sold my house during this time, I had to, before I lost it. I’ve been writing for three years instead of working, and my finances finally caught up to me. I got it done fast because I believe the book can help. I believe amid the pages is SOMETHING that could help someone, so I had to try.

Several friends are currently deep in the throes of their addiction, and struggling through times of challenging mental health.

Attempting to help best I can, I spilled my fucking guts into this book.

Available on Amazon HERE.


Lies Between Us podcast episode #22

